Basic Interoperable Scrambling System, usually known as Biss, is a satellite signal scrambling system developed by the European Broadcasting Union and a consortium of hardware manufacturers. Mobile equipment to send news over a satellite link used by TVNZ news … Biss-1 transmissions are protected by a 12 digit hexadecimal “session key Usa nasa satellite update
BTV NATIONAL Update /25.09.2016
ASIASAT_7/ 105.5’E MPEG_2/SD/ DVB-s2
TP:3690 V 11110 SiD:000B
Biss key: D2 BE 5A EA BC 67 F8 1B
Ptv Sports New Biss Key 17.01.2016
Satellite: Paksat 38° East
New Frequency: 04004
Polarization: V
Symbol Rate : 15550
New Biss Key: 51 32 13 DD 9A DD EC AA
PTV K LATE TP:4055 V 6999 Paksat 1R @38.0E
MPEG-2/BISSDate :28.5.2015
Date : 28.5.2015
New Biss Key : 07 86 66 F3 22 91 10 AA
Gazi Tv New Biss Key On Apstar 7
Channel Name : GAZI TV
Frequence : 3806 H 4799
Satellite : Apstar 7 76.5°E
Date : 01.01.2016
Sid : 0001
Biss Key: 49 97 08 E8 D8 25 5B A8